例:The symbol ? represents one of the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and 3 ? 1 = 3.
For each of the following equations, indicate whether the equation must be true, must be false, or could be either true or false.
Must Be True
Must Be False
Could Be True or False
6 ? 2 = 3
6 ? 2 = 4
6 ? 2 = 12
Click on your choices.
Click on the answer box, then type in a number. Backspace to erase.
GRE中出现的非常规数学符号可以看成ETS自己定义的一种运算。本题中,符号“?”代表的是加减乘除四种四则运算中的某一种,而且3?1=3,由这些已知条件可以推出?可以是,也可以不是。接下来就考察考生对于must be true、could be true这类逻辑判断语言的理解了。Must be true意为必然正确,在任何时候都不可违背;Could be true意为可以正确,即存在正确的可能。