
2012-01-19 16:46:54 大全范文
Otherwise, the end result is that we find ourselves acquiescing in or even sanctioning war and
other such atrocities. Since all cultures share a universal ethos the speaker's rationale seems
inadequate. Discord occurs not only as a result of an ethos clash but also upon violation of the
universal ethos.
A second problem with the speaker's rationale is that it overlooks the fact that we can find
considerable discord within almost every culture. On a microcosmic scale we all observe
so-caUed infighting among members of the same church congregations, political factions, and
so forth. On a larger scale infighting is all too evident--from overt gang warfare and civil war to
covert corporate espionage and political back-stabbing. Thus even if all cultures were to share
the same ethos the promise of complete harmony would still be an illusory one. In short,
contentiousness seems to be part of human nature.
To sum up, I agree with the speaker that complete harmony among nations is unrealistic, but
not just because of conflicting cultural values; it runs contrary to human nature. Yet, the outlook
for international relations is not necessarily so grim. An enlightened understanding of the ethos
of other cultures, and of our own cultural bias, can foster a universal ethos of respect for
human dignity and life. The end result would be to stem, or at least minimize, discord among
nations and cultures.
Issue 83
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