Consider, for example, computer semi-conductor technology. The benefits of continually
developing faster, more reliable, and more affordable processors are immediate, predictable,
and profound. To halt advances in semi-conductor technology at any given point would be to
impede progress in global communication, knowledge and information access, the
development of safer buildings and vehides, and even the cure and prevention of disease.
The call for new computing technology seems particularly compelling in light of the last area
listed above. A great measure of valuable genetic research would simply not be possible
without the aid of fast and reliable computers. And effective treatment and cure of many
diseases also require more precise lasers and more powerful microscopes than those
currently available. In short, maximizing the use of existing technology in lieu of developing
new technology will not suffice to cure, prevent, and treat many diseases. Thus the speaker
would have society resign itself to its current state of physical health and well being--a dismal
prospect for society and for all humanity.
In sum, I find the speaker's recommendation indefensible. Admittedly, as a society we
should be careful not to pursue new technology merely for technology's sake or to satisfy our
curiosity. It is important that we direct our resources in ways that clearly benefit the society.
Nonetheless, without new technology we resign ourselves to life less safe, less healthy, and
less interesting than it need be.
Issue 111
"Most important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer
to one question that we come across the answer to another." 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(80) 》一文,出国留学网(编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。