In this argument the speaker recommends that Illium's national parks charge higher fees to
visitors whose activities carry a heavy environmental impact than to other visitors, in order to
help preserve Illium's public lands for the present and future generations. To support this
recommendation the speaker points out that the country of Myria charges fees for use of its
national parks and that Myria reports little evidence of environmental damage. This argument
is flawed in several critical respects.
First, the argument assumes too hastily that the reports of conditions in Myria's parks are
accurate. It is entirely possible that the reports were based on only cursory studies, or on
studies at only a small percentage of Myria's parks; in either case the reports would amount to
scant evidence of the extent of overall environmental damage in Myria's parks. Moreover, in
my observation many environmental problems become apparent only after the passage of
considerable time. Accordingly, if the reports are based on observations made over a brief
period then the reports might be unreliable indicators of long-term environmental damage.
Even if little environmental damage has occurred at Myria's national parks, Myria's park fees
are not necessarily responsible for the lack of damage--as the argument assumes. Perhaps
the true reason for the pristine condition of these parks is that visitors engage in few activities
that carry heavy environmental impact. Or perhaps visitors or park rangers take certain
measures to mitigate the effects of those activities. For that matter, perhaps the number of
visitors to Myria's parks has always been soinsignificant that they could inflict little damage in
any event. Unless the speaker can rule out these and other possible explanations for the
pristine condition of Myria's parks, I cannot accept the further assertion that Illium would help
preserve its parks by following Myria's example. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(134) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。