The speaker's contention also finds ample empirical support in certain forms of artistic
accomplishment and scientific invention. History is replete with evidence that our most gifted
musical composers are young, relatively inexperienced, individuals. Notables ranging from
Mozart to McCartney come immediately to mind. Similarly, the wide-eyed wonder of
inexperience seems to spur scientific innovation. Consider the science fiction writer Jules
Veme, who through pure imagination devised highly specific methods and means for
transporting humans to outer space. What makes his imaginings so remarkable is that the
actual methods and means for space flight, which engineers settled on through the experience
of extensive research and trial-and-error, turned out to be essentially the same ones Verne had
imagined nearly a century earlier!
Of course, there are many notable exceptions to the rule that imagination unfettered by
experience breeds remarkable insights and accomplishments. Duke EUington, perhaps jazz
music's most prolific composers, continued to create new compositions until late in life.
Thomas Edition, who registered far more patents with the U.S. patent office than any other
person, continued to invent until a very old age. Yet, these are exceptions to the general
pattern. Moreover, the later accomplishments of individuals such as these tend to build on
earlier ones, and therefore are not as truly inspired as the earlier ones, which sprung from
imagination less fettered by life experience.
On the other hand, it is important not to take this assertion about artistic and scientific
accomplishment too far. Students of the arts, for instance, must learn theories and techniques,
which they then apply to their craft whether music performance, dance, or acting. And,
creative writing requires the cognitive ability to understand how language is used and how to
communicate ideas. Besides, creative ability is itself partly a function of intellect; that is,
creative expression is a marriage of one's cognitive abilities and the expression of one's
feelings and emotions. In literature, for example, a rich life experience from which to draw
ideas is just as crucial to great achievement as imagination. For example, many critics laud
Mark Twam's autobiography, which he wrote on his death bed, as his most inspired work. And,
while the direction and goals of scientific research rely on the imaginations of key individuals,
most scientific discoveries and inventions come about not by sudden epiphanies of youthful
star-gazers but rather by years and years of trial-and-error in corporate research laboratories. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(58) 》一文,出国留学网(编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。