
2012-01-27 04:01:58 例子


The Soviet government’s attempts during the 1920s to not only control the direction and the goals of its scientists’ research but also to distort the outcome of that research—ostensibly for the greatest good of the greatest number of people. During 1920s, the Soviet government quashed certain areas of scientific inquiry, destroyed entire research facilities to the state’s authority. Not surprisingly, during this time period no significant scientific advances occurred under the auspices of the Soviet government.


Theses sorts of problems are the ones that spring the failings and foibles that are part-and-parcel of human nature. Our problems involving interpersonal relationships with people of the opposite sex stem from basic differences between the two sexes. The social problems of prejudice and discrimination know no chronological bounds because it is our nature to fear and mistrust people who are different from us. War and crime stem from the male aggressive instinct and innate desire for power. We have never been able to solve social problems such as homelessness and hunger because we are driven by self-interest.

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