We must be especiaUy careful not to understate the role of teamwork in scientific innovation,
especially today. Important scientific innovations of the previous millennium might very well
have been products of the epiphanies and obsessions of individual geniuses. When we think
of the process of inventing something great we naturally conjure up a vision of the lone
inventor hidden away in a laboratory for months on end, in dogged pursuit of a breakthrough.
And this image is not entirely without empirical support. For example, Thomas Edison's early
innovations--including the light bulb, the television, and the phonograph--came about in
relative isolation, and solely through his individual persistence and commitment.
However, in today's world, sdentific innovation requires both considerable capital and
extensive teams of researchers. Admittedly, in all likelihood we will continue to encounter the
exceptional case---~ke Hewlett and Packard, or Jobs and Wozniak, whose innovations sprang
from two-man operations. But for the most part, scientific breakthroughs today typically occur
only after years of trial-and-error by large research teams. Even Thomas Edison relied more
and more on a team of researchers to develop new innovadons as his career progressed.
Thus the statement flies in the face of how most modern scientific innovations actually come
about today.
To sum up, I agree that, when it comes to the world of business, true innovation is possible
only through the imagination of the individual visionary, and his or her commitment to see the
vision through to its fruition. However, when it comes to scientific innovation, yesterday's
enterprising individuals have yielded to today's cooperative research teams--a trend that will
no doubt continue as scientific research becomes an increasingly expensive and complex
Issue 87
"The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the
discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes."
The speaker maintains that the function of art is to "upset" while the function of science is to
"reassure," and that it is in these functions that the value of each lies. In my view, the speaker
unfairly generalizes about the function and value of art, while completely missing the point
about the function and value of science.
Consider first the intent and effect of art. In many cases artists set about to reassure, not to
upset. Consider the frescos of Fra Angelico and others monks and nuns of the late medieval
period, who sought primarily through their representations of the Madonna and Child to
reassure and be reassured about the messages of Christian redemption and salvation. Or
consider the paintings of impressionist and realist painters of the late 19th Century. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(41) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。