In contrast, socio-political progress is less susceptible to objective measurement. For
instance, progress in social welfare might be measured by the number of homeless people,
incidence of domestic violence, or juvenile crime rate. Yet would an increase in the number of
single mothers on welfare indicate that our society is becoming more compassionate and
effective in helping its victims, or would it indicate regress by showing that our private sector
and education systems are failing? Moreover, when it comes to our legal system and to politics,
progress has little to do with numbers, or even logic. For example, to what extent, if any, would
more lenient gun ownership laws indicate progress, considering the competing interests of
individual freedom and pubic safety? Do anti-abortion laws indicate a sociological advance or
retreat? Or, when a political party gains greater control of a legislature by sweeping a particular
election, is this progress or regress?In sum, although the statement has merit, it unfairly generalizes. In areas such as finance,
economics, and computing technology, all of which involve nothing but quantifiable data,
nothing but careful measurement and logic suffice to determine the extent of progress. In other
areas, such as health care and social welfare, determining progress requires both objective
measurement and subjective judgment. Finally, progress in politics and law is an entirely
subjective matter--depending on each individual's values, priorities, and interests.
Issue 47
"With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is
no doubt that every aspect of society---including education, politics, the arts, and the
sciences---will benefit greatly from international influences."
I agree that the globalization of economic and communication networks will heighten
international influences in all four of the areas listed. However, while those influences will no
doubt benefit education and the sciences, the nature of those influences on the arts and on
politics will probably be a mixed one beneficial in some respects yet detrimental in others.
The dearest and most immediate beneficiaries of international influences are students. When
students learn more about other cultures, systems of government, religions, and so forth, they
advance their knowledge and grow in their understanding of humanity--which is, after all, the
final objective of education. Emerging distance-learning technologies, made practicable now
by the Internet, will no doubt carry an especially profound international influence on education.
Distance learning will permit a class of students located all over the world to video-conference
simultaneously with a teacher and with one other, thereby enlivening and enriching
educational experiences.
The sciences dearly benefit from international influences as well. After all, prindples of
physics, chemistry, and mathematics know no political boundaries; thus a useful insight or
discovery can come from a researcher or theorist anywhere in the world. Accordingly, any
technology that enhances global communication can only serve to advance scientific
knowledge. For example, astronomers can now transmit observational data to other scientists
throughout the world the instant they receive that data, so that the entire global community of
astronomers can begin interpreting that data together in a global brain-storming session. The
sciences also benefit from multi-national economic cooperation. Consider, for instance, the
multi-national program to establish a human colony on the Moon. This ambitious project is
possible only because participating nations are pooling their economic resources as well as
scientific talents. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(25) 》一文,出国留学网(编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。