
2012-02-02 23:52:27 编辑部本文内容
2.If efficacious new medicines have side effects that are commonly observed and ____, such medicines are too often considered ____, even when laboratory tests suggest caution.

(A) unremarkable.. safe

(B) unpredictable.. reliable

(C) frequent.. outdated

(D) salutary.. experimental

(E) complicated.. useful

3. The idealized paintings of nature produced in the eighteenth century are evidence that the medieval ____ natural settings had been ____ and that the outdoors now could be enjoyed without trepidation.

(A) fear of.. exorcised

(B) concerns about.. regained

(C) affection for.. surmounted

(D) disinterest in.. alleviated

(E) enthusiasm for.. confronted

4. Some paleontologists debate whether the diversity of species has ____since the Cambrian period, or whether imperfections in the fossil record only suggest greater diversity today, while in actuality there has been either ____ or decreased diversity.

(A) changed.. escalation

(B) increased.. stasis

(C) expanded.. discontinuity

(D) declined.. reduction

(E) improved.. deviation

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