构词:hag + ard (a)
ADJ. slow; sluggish.
The sailor had been taught not to be laggard in carrying out orders.
lag, N., v.
构词:lag + ard (a)
rie, ry=place
N. nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk).
The mother eagle swooped down on the rabbit and bore it off to her aerie high in the Rocky Mountains.
构词:aer (air) + rie (place)
N. a place where bees are kept.
Although he spent many hours daily in the apiary, he was very seldom stung by a bee.
构词:apia (bee) + ry (place)
N. enclosure for birds.
The aviary at the zoo held nearly 300 birds.
构词:avi (fly) + ry (place)
some=有些, a.
ADJ. annoying; tedious.
He found working on the assembly line irksome because of the monotony of the operation he had to perform.
irk, v.
构词:irk (annoy) + some
ADJ. prankish; gay.
The frolicsome puppy tried to lick the face of its master.
构词:frolic (gay) + some
ADJ. disgustingly excessive.
His fulsome praise of the dictator annoyed his listeners.
构词:ful (full) + some
(log)ist=person, scholar
N. person concerned with the interrelationship between living organisms and their environment.
The ecologist was concerned that the new dam would upset the natural balance of the creatures living in Glen Canyon.
构词:eco (surrounding) + logist (person)
N. advocate of voting rights (for women).
In recognition of her efforts to win the vote for women, Congress authorized coining a silver dollar honoring the suffragist Susan B. Anthony.
构词:suffrage (voting right) + ist (person)
N. phil
osopher who studies the nature of knowledge.
“What is more important, a knowledge of nature or the nature of knowledge?” the epistemologist asked the naturalist.
构词:epistemo (knowledge) + logist (person)
N. one who studies reptiles.
As a boy, Indiana Jones had a traumatic experience involving snakes; sensibly enough, he studied to be an archaeologist, not a herpetologist.
构词:herpeto (creep) + logist (person)
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