


  Innovative as it is, Luis Valdez' acto owes much to the theater traditions or(我认为应为 of,印刷错误) other periods and regions.

  尽管 LV 的 acto 富于创新精神,但它很大程度上,得益于其他时期以及其他地区的戏剧传统。

  acto (Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary)

  a short, realistic play, usually in Spanish, that dramatizes the social and economic problems of Chicanos.

  Chicano 墨西哥裔美国人


  Like early Spanish American religious dramas, secular folk dramas, and the Mexican carpas of a somewhat later period, actos are usually performed outdoors by traveling groups of players or by local theater groups.

  正如早期西班牙裔美国人的宗教戏剧,民间世俗戏剧,以及晚期的墨西哥 Carpa 剧,acto 经常由巡回剧团或本地剧团在户外演出。


  In Mexico and the Southwestern United States, the carpa (Spanish: "tent", from the Quechua karpa) theater flourished during the 1920s and 1930s. Like its American counterpart vaudeville, performances were varied, including comedic sketches, puppet shows, political satire, acrobatics, and dance.



  The improvised comic satire of the actos is often attributed to Valdez' study of the Italian commedia dell' arte of the sixteenth century, although some critics see it as a direct reflection of the comic and improvisational qualities of the more contemporary and local carpas of Mexican theater.

  acto 中的即兴幽默讽刺小品经常被认为,缘于 V 对意大利十六世纪的即兴喜剧的研究,尽管也有评论家认为,它反映的是墨西哥 carpa 剧场以及同时代的幽默即兴的特质。

  commedia dell'arte (大英袖珍百科)即兴喜剧

  盛行于16~18世纪的意大利戏剧形式。由演员戴上面具饰演角色(如绅士的机智侍从哈乐根、威尼斯商人潘塔隆内、诚实、头脑简单的男仆皮耶罗、女仆科伦比纳、肆无忌惮的斯卡拉穆恰和吹牛皮的卡皮塔诺等),这些喜剧源自对平常的故事进行夸张或滑稽模仿。这种风格强调在因袭传统的面具和常用的情景等框架内进行即兴表演。职业演员以本国方言和许多滑稽动作进行表演。与意大利即兴喜剧团有关的第一个确实可考日期溯及1545年。除意大利本土,此种戏剧形式在法国获得最大的成功,当地特设立意大利喜剧院。在英格兰,其戏剧成分演化到哈乐根式丑角戏以及庞奇和朱迪的演出中。参阅安德烈尼家族(Andreini family)。


  The Italian influence is likely, whatever Valdez‘ immediate source: the Mexican carpas themselves are said to have originated from the theater pieces of a sixteenth-century Spanish writer inspired by encounters with Italian commedia dell'arte troupes on tour in Spain.

  无论 V 直接继承的是哪一种源流,来自意大利的影响是显而易见的:(因为)墨西哥 carpa 剧本身,就被认为发源于西班牙作家——在观看意大利即兴剧团在西班牙的巡回演出后——所迸发的灵感。


  4. Which of the following best describes the author's evaluation of the views of the critics?

  (A) Their views, if correct, do not preclude the existence of an Italian influence on the acto.

  (B) Their views are unlikely to be correct, given the differences existing between Mexican and Mexican American theater.

  (C) Their views concerning the Mexican carpa are essentially correct, but they lack familiarity with the acto.

  (D) Their views are probably more correct than the views of those who have attributed the comic and improvisational elements of the acto to earlier sources.

  (E) Their views betray a lack of familiarity with the commedia dell'arte.



  我们只能在原文句 3 中找到这些评论家的观点:

  The improvised comic satire of the actos is often attributed to Valdez' study of the Italian commedia dell' arte of the sixteenth century, although some critics see it as a direct reflection of the comic and improvisational qualities of the more contemporary and local carpas of Mexican theater.

  好吧,评论家们认为这种即兴讽刺段落来自于 V 的同时代表演形式,以及 V 当地的墨西哥剧场;

  作者怎么看?前半句说,作者认为 V 是研究了十六世纪意大利的 commedia dell' arte ,进而借鉴了这种即兴表演的方式;

  又根据句 4 :

  The Italian influence is likely, whatever Valdez‘ immediate source: ……

  作者做了个让步,你们不是说这种即兴来自当地 carpa 剧团嘛,那也跟意大利传统有关,因为 carpa 剧这个形式,就是西班牙作家受到意大利巡回表演的启发创造出来的。

  综合作者的两种态度,我们选出了 A,评论家的观点即便正确,也不能排除意大利因素对 acto 的影响。

  5. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the author's argument concerning the debt of the acto to the theater traditions of other periods and regions?

  (A) Many popular forms of theater rely heavily on improvisation.

  (B) Plays resembling the acto in structure were written in the 1970's by West African playwrights who are interested in dramatizing the richness of their own cultures.

  (C) The use of masks has, at one time or another, been characteristic of the theater traditions of almost all cultures, even those most isolated from outside influences.

  (D) During a strike, it is common for union members to present musical skits dramatizing the values of solidarity and resistance.

  (E) Before 1965 Luis Valdez had attended many performances of traditional Mexican theater groups touring the western United States.


  1965年前,LV 就参加过传统墨西哥剧团在美国西部的很多表演。

  这无疑能够证明作者开头祭出的观点:LV 尽管有创新,但借鉴了很多老形式。







