
2013-03-21 09:10:56 gre词汇gre蓝宝书

  alibi n. 托辞,借口,辩解(an excuse usually intended to avert blame or punishment)

  (类)alibi· exculpate=warning·admonish 托词目的是辩解=警告目的是告诫

  alibi·exculpate=sophism·deceive 托词目的是辩解=诡辩目的是欺骗

  alienate v. 疏远(to make unfriendly, hostile, or indifferent)

  (反)unite 联合 reunite 重新联合

  (同)estrance, alien, disaffect, disunify, disunite, wean

  alight vi. 飞落,下车 adj.点着的(lighted)照亮的(Illuminated)

  align vt排成一行,调准(to be in precise adjustment or correct relative position);结盟


  ◆ improperly adjusted 准确调整的

  ◆ 调整不当的


  ◆ irregular 排成一行的

  ◆ 不规则的


  ◆ askew/ awry 排成一行的

  ◆ 歪斜的


  ◆ warped 排成一行的

  ◆ 弯曲的

  (例)aligning the wheels of a truck. 调整卡车的轮子

  We must align ourselves with the workers. 我们必须和工人们站在一起。


  alimentary adj.食物的, 营养的(concerned with food, nutrition, or digestion)

  allay vt., 缓解(assuage)

  (反)(excite/ arouse/ foment)激化,激起 (干扰:compel 强迫)

  increase the intensity of 加重 exacerbate恶化

  (例)We expect a breeze to allay the heat.我们希望一阵风能够缓解热浪。

  (记)all+lay谐音“累”→都累了 联想:大家都累了,需要缓解一下压力。

  allege vt.宣称,断言,指控

  (例)The police allege that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.


  (派)allegedly adv.依其申述;涉嫌 alleged声称的,所谓的,涉嫌的allegation无证据的指控

  allegiance n.忠诚,拥护(devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause)

  (类)renegade·allegiance=apostate·faith 背信弃义者缺乏忠诚=背教者缺乏信念

  pundits·authoritativeness=partisans·allegiance 博学者权威=拥护者忠诚

  (记)谐音all+legiance 全立正,表达忠诚

  比较:allegation·allegiance·allergy·allege 主张/拥护/过敏/宣称

  allegory n.寓言

  allergy n. 敏感症;反感


  alleviate v.缓和,减轻to make(as suffering) more bearable

  (类)alleviate·strength=dampen·ardor 减轻·强度=使沮丧·热情

  alleviate·intensity=console·grief 减轻·强度=安慰·悲痛

  (反)exacerbate恶化 increase intensity加强


  alley n 小巷,胡同

  alliterate v. 押头韵(the repetition of initial consonant sounds)

  (类)alliterate·remove=blazon·efface 押头韵难以删除=纹章难以拭除

  (例) "The furrow followed free" is an example of alliteration

  allocate vt.分派, 分配(to distribute according to a plan;allot)

  allopathy n.【医】对抗疗法(反:homeopathy 顺势疗法)

  allowance n. 定量(a fixed or available amount)

  (类)pittance·allowance=rivulet·stream 少量·定量=小溪·溪流 (小与正常)

  (例)We were provided an allowance of time for recreation. 我们拥有定量的娱乐时间。


