
2013-03-21 09:21:00 gre考试gre蓝宝书

  accompany vt. 陪伴, 伴奏

  accomplice n.同谋,帮凶(one associated with another especially in wrongdoing)

  accomplish vt. 完成, 实现(to succeed in doing; bring to pass)

  (记)参考:accomplished 娴熟的;有造诣的:毫无疑问的;不容置疑的

  accord vt.使符合,使一致(to cause to conform or agree; bring into harmony)n.一致

  (记)参考:in accord with 和…一致

  accost vt. 问候,致意(greet, hail, salute)大胆靠近(to approach boldly or in a challenging

  or sometimes a defensive manner)

  (类)accost·approach =importune·request 大胆靠近·接近=不断要求强求·要求


  (例)We were accosted by a beggar who demanded money.


  accountability n. 有责任,有义务

  (记)来自account 帐目,说明

  accret v. 逐渐增长(to make larger or greater, as by increased growth)





  ◆ wear away 渐增

  ◆ 销蚀


  ◆ reduction in substance caused by erosion 渐增

  ◆ 因腐蚀减少

  accrue vi.自然增加, 产生

  accumulate vi. 积聚,堆积(to gather or pile up especially little by little;amass)


  ◆ accumulate 消散,浪费

  ◆ 积累

  accurate adj. 正确的, 精确的

  accuse v. 谴责,指责(to charge with a shortcoming or an erro)

  acerbic adj. 酸的,涩的(acid in temper, mood, or tone)


  ◆ sweet 酸的

  ◆ 甜的


  ◆ saccharin 酸

  ◆ 糖精


  acidulous adj. 微酸的,尖酸刻薄的(slightly sour in taste or in manner)

  (记)acid酸 参考:acidity 酸度,酸性

  achromatic adj. 非彩色的, 无色的(possessing no hue)




  acknowledge vt.承认(to admit the existence, reality, or truth of)

  acme n.顶点,极点(the highest point or stage)

  (类)acme·mountain=crest·wave 山顶·山=浪尖·海浪 (事物及其顶点)

  acme·surpass=impossible·execute 顶点无法超越=不可能的无法执行

  (同)apex , apogee climax, peak, pinnacle, summit zenith

  acolyte n.侍僧, 助手

  (记)谐音“爱客来的” 联想:爱客人来的助手

  accorn n.橡树果, 橡子

  acoustic adj.有关声音的, 声学的

  acquaint vt. 使熟知,通知(to make familiar : cause to know firsthand)


  acquiesce v. 勉强同意;默许(to accept tacitly or passively)

  (类)intransigent·acquiesce=deferential·offend 不妥协的·默许=恭敬的·冒犯(反面特征)

  (反)resist 抵制 defy 抗拒

  (记)ac+quiesce(=quiet安静) 联想:保持沉默→默许

  (同)assent, accede, agree, consent

  (例)We acquiesced in their plan. 我们只得默认他们的计划。

  acquisition n. 获得(the act of acquiring)


  ◆ acquisition 剥夺

  ◆ 获得

  【注:divest :v. to deprive or dispossess especially of property, authority, or title】

  (记)来自acquire 获得,得到。参考:acquired 后天努力得到的acquisitive渴望获得的,贪婪的


