
2013-03-28 10:04:44 2013gre考试gre词汇

  lunt [blQnt] vt. 使变钝(to make less sharp or definite)

  (类)attenuation·strength=bluntness·sharpness 使浓度变稀薄=使锐利的变迟钝]

  (反)blunt◆whet 使变钝◆磨快

  (同)disedge, obtund, dull

  blur [blE:] v. 使模糊(to make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance;obscure)

  (类)blur·definition=subjugate·independence 使模糊以消除清晰度=使屈服以消除独立性

  (同)besmirch, discolor, smudge, stain, tarnish

  blurb [bl\:b] n. 简短的公告a short publicity notice (as on a book jacket)



  【注:gloss· a brief explanation ;cameo:Broadly:any brief appearance】

  blurt [bl\:t] vt. 突然说出,冲动的说出(to utter abruptly and impulsively, usually used with out)

  (类)flit·move=blurt·utter 迅速飞过·移动=突然说出·出声(快·正常)

  (同)exclaim, ejaculate

  blush [blQF] v. n. 脸红(a reddening of the face especially from shame, modesty, or confusion)

  (类)blush·embarrassment=smile·pleasure 因困窘而脸红=因高兴而微笑

  bluster [5blQstE] v.吵闹;狂妄自大地说或做(to be windy and boisterous)

  (类)blustering·speak=swaggering·walk 狂妄的说话·说话=大摇大摆的走路·走路(种属)

  bluster·loud=pontificate·pompous 吵闹·高声的=装模做样地说话·华而不实的

  boast [bEust] n. v. 自夸(the act or an instance of boasting)

  (同)blowhard·boastful=toady·obsequious 吹牛的人·自夸的=拍马屁的人·谄媚的

  boast·pride=complain·discontent 夸耀·骄傲=抱怨·不满(前者表达后者)


