1.有 3 个打字员为 4 家公司服务,如果 4 家公司各有 1 份文件要录入,他们只能找到这 3 个打字员录入, 且各公司对打字员的要求是随机的。问每个打字员都收到文件的概率是多少?
2.The price of an item is discounted by 20 percent and then this reduced price is discounted by an additional 30 percent. These two discounts are equal to an overall discount of what percent?
3.Out of 100 ladies attending the church fete, 85 had a white handbag; 75 had black shoes;
60 carried an umbrella; 90 wore a ring, How many ladies must have had all four items?
(A)15 (B)35 (C)5 (D)10 (E)25
4.The daily rate for a hotel room that sleeps 4 people is $39 for one person and x dollars for each additional person. If 3 people take the room for one day and each pays $29 for the room, what is the value of x?
(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 12 (D) 13 (E) 24
5.A store currently charges the same price for each towel that it sells. If the current price
of each towel was to be increased by $1, 10 fewer of the towels could be bought for $120, excluding sales tax. What is the current price of each towel?
(A)$ 1 (B)$ 2 (C)$3 (D)$ 4 (E)$ 12
6.有 4 对男女,每对中有 1 男 1 女,从每对中选出 1 人,选出 2 男 2 女的概率是多少?
7.假如世界杯比赛共有 32 支球队,分成 8 个组,每组 4 个队,每组前两名出线,然后成对进行淘汰赛,直至 决赛决出冠军,并且淘汰队不参加比赛,从中间任选出一场比赛观看是半决赛的机会有多大?