
2015-09-10 17:21:35 GRE词汇GRE备考GRE考试


  1、backwater n. 一潭死水;沉寂不活跃;停滞


  If you refer to a place or institution as a backwater, you think it is not developing properly because it is isolated from ideas and events in other places and institutions.

  例句:The destruction of the western Roman Empire led to a political and economic fragmentation that made western Europe an economic backwater for half a millennium.

  2、moonshine n. 空谈;纸上谈兵

  晚上的月光亮起来了,别幻想了,打住吧!快看英文解释。moonshine 就是empty talk 的意思。

  If you say that someone's thoughts, ideas, or comments are moonshine, you think they are foolish and not based on reality.

  例句:The lesson taught by the crash and the Great Depression was that the glorious dream of a self-regulating economy, free of government intervention and supervision, was moonshine.

  3、brainchild n. 辛苦想出来的点子;想法


  Someone's brainchild is an idea or invention that they have thought up or created.

  例句:Facebook, the brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg while he was still studying at Harvard University, launched in February 2004.

  4、deadpan adj. 面无表情的 n. 故意板脸搞笑

  一个要死的平底锅?别逗了,这就是冰冰上课最常见的,板着脸!所以deadpan这个反义词,就是我们上课经常提到的demonstrative或者expressive。 demonstrative哪里见过?忘了小时代的经典片段了吗?undemonstrative panache!

  而我们经常也会说deadpan humor。

  Deadpan humor is when you appear to be serious and are hiding the fact that you are joking or teasing someone.

  5、sidestep v. 回避,绕开


  If you sidestep a problem, you avoid discussing it or dealing with it.

  例句:In ways large and small, millions of people are taking active steps tosidestep the medical mainstream, whether by taking herbal remedies for diseases or by placing their hopes for a cure in alternative treatment.,

  6、upshot n. 结果,结局

  有一种向上干了什么感觉对?不是啦,就是一个surprising result而已。

  The upshot of a series of events or discussions is the final result of them, usually a surprising result.

  7、upbeat adj. 乐观的;高兴的


  If people or their opinions are upbeat, they are cheerful and hopeful about a situation.3. downsize

  8、downsize v. 精简,缩小


  To downsize something such as a business or industry means to make it smaller.4. impressionable

  9、impressionable adj. 易受影响的,没有主见的


  Someone who is impressionable, usually a young person, is not very critical and is therefore easy to influence.5. personable

  10、personable adj. 英俊的,风度翩翩的


  Someone who is personable has a pleasant appearance and character.


  要邀请我去哪里呢?哈哈,中文我们常说引人入胜,就是这个词啦。像这样的词还有哪些?比方说,absorbing, engaging, engrossing, captivating, mesmerizing 等等都可以理解为吸引人。

  12、liken v. 比拟,把…比作


  If you liken one thing or person to another thing or person, you say that they are similar.8. wholesale

  13、wholesale adj. 大规模的


  You use wholesale to describe the destruction, removal, or changing of something when it affects a very large number of things or people.9. wholesome

  14、wholesome adj. 有益健康的

  wow!这个单词曾经让我想入非非,三个人叫threesome, 两个人叫twosome,一个人是handsome,那1080p的大场面是不是才叫做wholesome呢?注意看清!这个词叫做有益健康的哦!

  If you describe food as wholesome, you approve of it because you think it is good for your health and If you describe something as wholesome, you approve of it because you think it is likely to have a positive influence on people's behaviour or mental state, especially because it does not involve anything sexually immoral.10. defining

  15、defining adj. 非常重要的

  好像定义了什么?到底定义了什么?其实是critically important的意思。

  例句: Taking a course in architecture was a defining turn in her life.

  16、backfire v. 事与愿违;适得其反


  If a plan or project backfires, it has the opposite result to the one that was intended.22. redoubtable

  17、redoubtable adj. 可怕的;可敬的

  很多同学第一眼看到这个词第一个反应就是又一次怀疑,注意这个词的意思是也是一种双重的感觉。既可以表示可怕的(causing fear or alarm)也可以表示可敬的(worthy of respect)。但是这并不矛盾,因为一般我们敬佩的人物我们都有一点怕怕的感觉,比方说你们一定很敬佩冰冰吧。其实冰冰内心骄阳似火,只是不太愿意跟别人自来熟罢了!

  If you describe someone as redoubtable, you respect them because they have a very strong character, even though you are slightly afraid of them.

  18、gridlock n. 交通堵色;僵局

  这个词有一种锁上的感觉,与之相同的词还有deadlock / standstill / impasse,这三个词在之前的GRE考试中都出现过,不要轻视哦!这些都表示的是僵局或者停滞不前这样一个意思。

  You can use gridlock to refer to a situation in an argument or dispute when neither side is prepared to give in, so no agreement can be reached.24. bookish

  19、bookish adj. 书生气的,书呆子气的


  Someone who is bookish spends a lot of time reading serious books.25. wanting

  20、wanting adj. 欠缺的,不够格的

  怎么样?为什么总会觉得这个词有一种欲火焚身的感觉?错了,这个词来自于want,却不是需求,但如果理解为需求也行,就是一个东西急需的东西,那就是他没有的呗。因此我们可以解释为欠缺的( not present or in evidence) 或者 不够格的(not being up to standards or expectations) .

  If you find something or someone wanting, they are not of as high a standard as you think they should be.

  21、pronounced adj. 明显的


  Something that is pronounced is very noticeable.

  22、airtight adj. 不透气的;无懈可击的

  air + tight的组合,有一种空气很紧的感觉。没错,这个词本意表示是不透气的,密闭的。而引申为什么意思呢?如果一个东西不透气我们就钻不进去,就没有办法击破它,所以引申义为无懈可击的,没有漏洞的。

  An airtight alibi, case, argument, or agreement is one that has been so carefully put together that nobody will be able to find a fault in it.28. lest

  23、lest conj. 唯恐;生怕

  这个词简直是不认识要了你老命的节奏,让你有一种强迫症的错觉,到底是less还是least!不,都不是就是lest,这个词翻译过来就是for fear that 这样一个意思。

  If you do something lest something unpleasant should happen, you do it to try to prevent the unpleasant thing from happening.29. streamline

  24、streamline v. 通过精简使…高效


  To streamline an organization or process means to make it more efficient by removing unnecessary parts of it.

  例句: They're making efforts to streamline their normally cumbersome bureaucracy .


  25、grandstand v. 博取观众喝彩的说话或做事


  英文解释为seek to attract applause or favorable attention from spectators or the media:

  26、smother v. 窒息;


  To smother someone means to kill them by covering their face with something so that they cannot breathe.\

  27、effortless adj. 不费力的;与生俱来的

  这个单词大家总容易理解为不努力的意思,其实是不需要你任何effort的意思啦。这个词还有另外一个意思叫做与生具来,天生就有的。 很多年前曾经有一句话,我只有不懈努力,才能衬托别人毫不费力。有些人生来就含有金汤匙,没办法,不过你也不必上火,因为你还有GRE。

  Something that is effortless is done easily and well.or You use effortless to describe a quality that someone has naturally and does not have to learn.

  28、discerning adj. 有洞察力的


  If you describe someone as discerning, you mean that they are able to judge which things of a particular kind are good and which are bad.

  29、rife adj. 流行的普遍的

  这个词大家很容易个wife搞混淆。注意我们经常说be rife with表示充斥着什么东西的感觉。但是一般用rife这个词所体现出的应该是一些不太好的东西。这个词还跟pervasive考过同义词呢哦!

  If you say that something, usually something bad, is rife in a place or that the place is rife with it, you mean that it is very common.

  30、girth n. 周长;


  The girth of an object, for example a person's or an animal's body, is its width or thickness, considered as the measurement around its circumference.

  31、hard-boiled adj. 不动感情的; 强硬的


  You use hard-boiled to describe someone who is tough and does not show much emotion.

  32、spiteful adj. 恶意的,怀恨在心的

  这个单词大家总容易受到spite的影响,感觉像是尽管。其实spite这个词本身表示恶意或者怨恨。关于spite这个短语我们还可以掌握另一个叫做in spite of oneself 表示不由自主的,情不自禁的,英文解释就是Although one did not want or expect to do so。比方说我们说He smiled in spite of himself.

  Someone who is spiteful does cruel things to hurt people they dislike.

  33、forbear v. 克制容忍

  这个词有种为了一条狗熊的感觉对不对? 其实不是,表示的是克制忍耐。这个词还容易跟forebear混淆,注意forebear表示前方的狗熊,那是什么呢?表示祖先(ancestor)的意思。当然关于bear还有很多小事儿,比方说bear out (证明证实) have no bearing on (与......无关)当然了组基金故事进入了bear market,你对股市也是bearish吧。

  If you forbear to do something, you do not do it although you have the opportunity or the right to do it.

  34、wont adj. 经常的,习惯于


  If someone is wont to do something, they often or regularly do it.

  35、enjoin v. 命令;禁止

  这两个词都有join总给人一种加入的感觉。这个词很有意思,如果你说enjoin sb. to do 就表示你命令他们做事情,但如果你enjoin sb. from doing something 就表示你禁止他们做什么。跟persuade的用法差不多。










