1.Bebop’s legacy is______ one: bebop may have won jazz the right to be taken seriously as an art form, but it _______ jazz’s mass audience, which turned to other forms of music such as rock and pop.
(A) a mixed……..alienated
(B) a troubled……..seduced
(C) an ambiguous……….aggrandized
(D) a valuable…….refined
(E) a noble………pleased
2.The research committee urged the archaeologist to _______ her claim that the tomb she has discovered was that of Alexander the Great, since her initial report has been based only on ______.
(A). disseminate … supposition
(B). withdraw … evidence
(C). undercut … caprice
(D). document … conjecture
(E). downplay … facts
3.The ideas expressed in the art historian’s book are more _____ than one would expect or the basis of her rather_________ treatment of her subject in the opening pages.
(A). compelling … intriguing
(B). accessible … recondite
(C). hidebound … reactionary
(D). insightful … innovative
(E). dispassionate … evenhanded
4.The ______ with which the politician peppers her speeches are so memorable that many people think of her as being far more _______ than she in fact is.
(A). superlatives … egalitarian
(B). pejoratives … optimistic
(C). examples … soporific
(D). diatribes … censorious
(E). malapropisms … straightforward
5.The hesitancy of many countries to embrace market reform is unfortunate, because many national success stories suggest that far from ___________ such reform, countries should be eager to ___________its benefits.
(A) implementing…….document
(B) pursuing…………seek
(C) eschewing……..reap
(D) needing……..realize
(E) understanding…….question