
2011-11-29 05:06:49
 新gre考试已经慢慢步入正轨,考后给出的分数区间也是新分数区间了,而第五场新版gre考试在国内已经完美谢幕,无论考的好坏下了gre战场就有好多同学给大家分享自己的体会和机经,下面是小编为大家搜索整理分享参加了2011年11月19日新版gre考试考生 湖大回忆。


  5、Claim: Governments must ensure that their majorcitiesreceive the financial support they need in order to thrive.,

  Reason: It is primarily incities that a nation'scultural traditions are preserved and generated.

  Write a response in which youdiscuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reasonon whichthat claim is based.


  46、Thefollowing appeared in a health magazine published inCorpora.

  "Medical experts say thatonly one-quarter ofCorpora's citizens meet the current standards for adequatephysical fitness,even though twenty years ago, one-half of all of Corpora'scitizens met thestandards as then defined. But these experts are mistaken whenthey suggestthat spending too much time using computers has caused a decline infitness.Since overall fitness levels are highest in regions of Corpora wherelevels ofcomputer ownership are also highest, it is clear that using computershas notmade citizens less physically fit. Instead, as shown by this year'sunusuallylow expenditures on fitness-related products and services, the recentdeclinein the economy is most likely the cause, and fitness levels will improvewhenthe economy does."

  Writea response in which you examine thestated and/or unstated assumptions of theargument. Be sure to explain how theargument depends on these assumptions andwhat the implications are for theargument if the assumptions prove unwarranted..




  有一个题是计算工资的,基本工资是500,在¥1,000内时销售额5%,超过¥1,000的部分就销售额10%(这个理解不知道对不对?)。现在Mary(?)的工资是¥2,000. 问销售额是多少?(我按照上面的理解计算出来是1,1000,但是选项中没有这个答案,我就随便选了一个。。。。。求解)

  有一个图表题是number of prescriptions of male and female:

  还有一个图表题是讲各个机场的departure 和 launch 的次数的,以及1999(?)和2000(?)年的一个比较;

  语文第一部分感觉很难,n多单词都不认识,所以也都不记得了。有考到机经里面的:soybean ,much less unstrained in the description of the soy's medical efficency ..直接选了panacea 和cure-all。还记得的单词有self-effacing,rival, foe.



  有一个是rearing child 避免comsumption的影响,但是后来这种观念又有所改变,考的多选题,问哪些以下因素对人们rearing child 的观念造成了影响

  有一个是有一种药物会消除stroke in the biood从而降低brain疾病,从而得出结论使用这种药物可以大大降低这种疾病(逻辑题,问的是strength,我选的是可能这种疾病中的大多数并不是由stroke引起的)

  有一个长阅读是讲acceptance of female acceptance ,很长,没怎么看懂

  有一个阅读是将星星(?)的cannibalism 的,看的半懂不懂。

  第二个V降低难度后,考了几题the author’s purpose 的题,感觉看懂文章应该就可以做出来,不难。



