Even assuming the statistics that the letter cites are reliable, the letter's daim that the
proposed course of action will achieve its intended result assumes a sufficient job market for
social-science graduates. However, it is entirely possible that the number of jobs for
physical-science graduates greatly exceeds the number of jobs for social-science graduates,
and that this is the reason for the disparity m job-finding success between the two groups. In
fact, real-world observation suggests that this is a reasonable explanation for the disparity.
Moreover, the letter fails to account for the possibility that the latter group of graduates are less
likely than the former group to be interested in immediate employment--electing instead to
pursue graduate-level study. Without accounting for these possibilities, the letter's author
cannot justifiably conclude that the proposed course of action will boost the employment rate
of new social-science graduates.
A third problem with the argument is that it unfairly infers that the proposed course of action
is the only means of achieving the desired result. The letter's author overlooks other possible
means of ensuring that social-science students find immediate employment--such as co-op
programs, job seminars, and so forth. Without ruling out alternative means of achieving the
same goal, the author cannot convince me that the proposed course of action is needed.
In conclusion, as it stands the argument is unconvincing. To strengthen it the author must
provide strong evidence that the survey's respondents were statistically representative of all
recent Hooper graduates in these two fields of study. The author must also rule out all other
possible explanations for the disparity between job-finding success between the two groups of
Hooper graduates. Finally, to better evaluate the argument I would need more information
about the portion of graduates in each field pursuing immediate employment, and what
alternative means are available to help ensure that Hooper's new social-science graduates
find permanent employment.
Argument 108
The following appeared in a corporate planning memo at ABC Cereal Company, the makers of
Better Bran cereal.
"Sales of Better Bran have declined in recent years, for reasons that management has now
identified. First, Better Bran is a cereal with high sugar content, and recent research studies
have found that most consumers say they are concerned about the amount of sugar added to
their breakfast cereal. Second, the price of Better Bran has increased by 5% in each of the last
three years. Therefore, to increase our company's profits we need to reduce the amount of
sugar in Better Bran and lower Better Bran's price."
This ABC Cereal Company memo concludes that to increase its profitability ABC must lower
both the sugar content and price of its Better Bran (BB) cereal. To justify this conclusion the
memo cites the fact that sales of BB have declined in recent years. The memo attributes this
decline to a concern among most consumers about the amount of sugar in their cereals, and to
the 5% increase in the price of BB during each of the last three years. The memo is
unconvincing for several reasons. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(146) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。