
2012-01-18 10:39:48 大全范文
One problem with the argument is that the letter's author might be assigning a false cause to
these statewide trends. The author provides no evidence that Riedeburg's policies and actions
as governor were indeed the reason for these developments. Without such evidence, it is
equally possible that other factors are instead responsible for the trends. For instance, perhaps
the crime rate has declined due to legislative or judicial action over which Riedeburg had no
control. Perhaps the rise in the state's population is the result of sociological trends that have
nothing to do with Riedeburg's policies as governor. Or perhaps people are moving to the state
for other reasons, such as the state's climate. Moreover, the argument assumes that an
increase in population is a positive development in the first place; yet it is entirely possible that
the state's residents properly view this trend as a negative one. If so, and if Riedeburg's
policies have contributed to this trend, then the author cannot reasonably conclude based on
this evidence that Riedeburg is the best-qualified candidate.
Another problem with the argument involves Riedeburg's promise to keep big compariles in
the state, thereby providing jobs for any new residents. Assuming that Riedeburg keeps her
promise in the first place, the author provides no evidence that these employers would be
either willing or able to hire new residents. Perhaps these employers plan to curtail new hiring
in any event; or perhaps they plan to hire new employees only among current state residents.
Moreover, whether these employers are able to hire new employees depends on a variety of
extrinsic economic factors over which Riedeburg might have no control. Without accounting for
these possibilities, the author cannot rely on Riedeburg's promise to conclude that she is the
best-qualified candidate for the job of state governor.
Finally, the author's conclusion that Riedeburg is "the best-qualified candidate" raises two
problems in itself. First, regardless of Riedeburg's record as governor it is entirely possible that
one or more other candidates are actually better qualified. Second, the letter fails to
adequately define what makes a candidate for state governor qualified. Without indicating
what the ideal qualifications would be and ruling out the possibility that an other candidate
better meets these qualifications, the author cannot make a convincing case that Riedeburg is
the best-qualified candidate.
In conclusion, the argument is unpersuasive as it stands. To strengthen it the author must
provide clear evidence that it was Riedeburg who was responsible for the currents trends, and
that the current population trend is desirable in the first place. The author must also show that
the state's major employers would be willing and able to hire new residents in the future.
Finally, to better evaluate the argument we would need more information about what defines
an ideal governor and how well other candidates meet that definition.
Argument 110
The following appeared as part of a memo from the manager of an automobile manufacturing
"Because the demand for our automobiles is expected to increase dramatically, we need to
open a new manufacturing plant as soon as possible in order to continue to thrive. Our
marketing projections indicate that 80 million people will want to buy our automobiles, yet our
existing plant can only produce 40 million automobiles. The new plant can be opened on a
part-time basis, with workers from our existing site rotating responsibilities, until an operational
staff can be trained. A major airplane manufacturer was extremely successful using this
part-time rotating strategy when it opened its new plant five years ago." 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(146) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

