A threshold problem with the argument is that it assumes that what improves memory and
learning in rats will also improve memory and learning in humans. Although this is entirely
possible, the argument provides no evidence to support this assumption. Without such
evidence the argument can be rejected out of hand.
A second problem involves the fact that PEP increasingly breaks down the chemicals
needed for learning and memory as humans age--as the argument points out. Yet the
argument seems to daim that inhibiting PEP will be effective in improving learning and memory
in young people. (The argument refers to students' "parents," implying that proposed human
subjects are young people rather than adults.) Thus the effectiveness of the compounds is
likely to be far less significant than it would be for older people.
A third problem with the argument is that it assumes that learning and memory are the only
significant factors affecting performance in school. Common sense and experience tells us this
is not the case, and that a variety of other factors, such as motivation and natural ability, also
play major roles. Thus the compounds might very well turn out to be largely ineffective.
A final problem with the argument is that it asserts that the compounds will improve
concentration, yet it makes no claim that the same compounds improved concentration in
rats----only that they improved the rats' learning and memory. Thus the argument's conclusion
is indefensible to this extent.
In sum, the argument is weak on several grounds. To strengthen it the argument's
proponent must provide clear evidence that the same compounds that improved learning and
memory in rats will do so in young humans. Moreover, the argument's proponent must show
that poor academic performance is due primarily to learning and memory problems, rather
than to poor concentration, motivation, or other factors. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(115) 》一文,出国留学网(编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。