Next consider digital technology. Admittedly, this newer form of technology has brought its
own brand of alienation, and has adversely affected our quality of life in other ways as well. For
example, computer automation, and especially the Internet, breeds information overload and
steals our time and attention away from family, community, and coworkers. In these respects,
digital technology tends to diminish our quality of life and create its own legion of human
On the other hand, by relegating repetitive tasks to computers, digital technology has
spawned great advances in medicine and physics, helping us to better understand the world,
to enhance our health, and to prolong our lives. Digital automation has also emancipated
architects, artists, designers, and musicians, by expanding creative possibilities and by saving
time. Perhaps most important, however, information technology makes possible universal
access to information, thereby providing a democratizing influence on our cultul:e.
In sum, while mechanical automation may have created a society of slaves to modern
conveniences and unfulfRling work, digital automation holds more promise for improving our
lives without enslaving us to the technology.
Issue 101
"The material progress and well-being of one country are necessarily connected to the
material progress and well-being of all other countries."
I strongly agree that each nation's progress and well-being are now tied to the progress and
well-being of other nations. In the pursuit of its citizens' economic and social welfare, as well
as their safety, security, and health, each nation today creates a ripple effect-- sometimes
beneficial and sometimes detrimentS---felt around the globe. And, although I disagree that our
global interconnectedness is necessary, in all likelihood it is with us to stay.
Turning first to economic progress and well-being, the economic pursuits of any nation today
are not merely connected to but actually interwoven with those of other nations. In some cases
one nation's progress is another's problem. For instance, strong economic growth in the U.S.
attracts investment in U.S. equities from foreign investors, to the detriment of foreign business
investments, which become less attractive by comparison. Or consider the global
repercussions of developed nations' over-consumption of natural resources mined from
emerging nations. Having been exploited once for the sake of fueling the high standard of
living in the developed world, emerging nations are now being pressured to comply with the
same energy conservation policies as their exploiters--even though they did not contribute to
the problems giving rise to these policies, and cannot afford to make the sacrifices involved. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(48) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。