In this memo West Egg's mayor reasons that West Egg's residents are now strongly
committed to recycling, and projects that the city's landfill will not be filled to capacity until
considerably later than anticipated two years ago. To support this projection the mayor cites (1)
a twofold increase in aluminum and paper recycling by West Egg residents over the last two
years, (2) an impending twofold increase in charges for trash pickup, and (3) a recent survey in
which 90% of respondents indicated that they intend to do more recycling in the future. For
several reasons, I am not convinced that the mayor's projection is accurate.
To begin with, in all likelihood aluminum and paper account for only some of the materials
West Egg's residents can recycle. Perhaps recycling of other recyclable materials--such as
plastic and glass--has declined to the point that the total amount of recycled materials has also
declined. If so, then the mayor could hardly justify the claim that West Egg's residents are
becoming more committed to recycling.
Another problem with the argument is that an increase in the amount of recycled materials
does not necessarily indicate a decrease in the total amount of trash deposited in the city's
landfill. Admittedly, if West Egg residents previously disposed of certain recyclable materials
that they now recycle instead, then this shift from disposal to recycling would serve to reduce
the amount of trash going to the landfill. However, the mayor provides no evidence of such a
Moreover, the argument overlooks the strong possibility that the recycling habits of West
Egg residents are not the only factor affecting how quickly the landfill will reach capacity. Other
such factors might indude population and demographic shifts, the habits of people from
outside West Egg whose trash also feeds the landfill, and the availability of altemative disposal
methods such as burning. Thus regardless of the recycling efforts of West Egg residents the
landfill might nevertheless reach full capacity by the date originally forecast.
Yet another problem with the argument involves the mayor's implicit claim that increased
charges for trash pickup will serve to slow the rate at which the landffil is reaching capacity.
This claim relies on the unlikely assumption that West Egg residents have the option of
recycling--or disposing in some other way--much of what they would otherwise send to the
landfill. However, it is likely these residents have no practical choice but to send some refuse
to the landfill. The greater the amount, the less likely higher trash charges would have any
effect on how quickly the landffil reaches capacity. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(94) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。