
2012-01-20 17:02:38 提纲
1. 目标:

212 "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable.”

a) 先定义worthy. Welfare >harm/opportunity cost 当cost适当时,是可以的。对个人而言,比如,一个人为了更好的完成工作,选择在deadline前废寝忘食,到头来伤害了自己的身体。完全可以用更好的安排代替短期的突击。 对国家而言,比如,国家为了提高人们的福利待遇是对的,但是过分的提高税收则会提高成本,降低利润,影响经济的发展。

b) 在worthy 的前提下,还要合法。如:一公司以非法手段窃得另一个公司股票,最终合并。可能经济效益大,但不合法。会给以后带来不好的影响。还要考虑道德问题。生物学家,花钱使用其助手的卵子germ cell, 安乐死科学界的剽窃或者作假(如哈福教授伪造科研数据被开除

c) We should be alert to the possibility that individuals, organizations or governments tend to plead a worthy goal in excuse of their contemptible means and private interests。如:Hitler为了自己的政治目标,不择手段,结果给世界人民带来了重大灾难

118 "In any field of endeavor -- the sciences, the humanities, the social sciences, industry, etc. -- it is not the attainment of a goal that matters, but rather the ideas and discoveries that are encountered on the way to the goal."

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