A threshold problem with the argument involves the voluntary nature of the evaluation
procedure. The dean provides no evidence about the number or percentage of Omega
students who participate in the procedure. Lacking such evidence it is entirely possible that
those numbers are insignificant, in which case terminating the procedure is unlikely to have
any effect on the grade average of Omega students or their success in getting jobs after
The argument also assumes unfairly that the grade-average increase is the result of the
evaluation procedure--rather than some other phenomenon. The dean ignores a host of other
possible explanations for the increase--such as a trend at Omega toward higher admission
standards, or higher quality instruction or facilities. Without ruling out all other possible
explanations for the grade-average increase, the dean cannot convince me that by terminating
the evaluation procedure Omega would curb its perceived grade inflation let alone help its
graduates get jobs.
Even if the evaluation procedure has resulted in grade inflation at Omega, the dean's claim
that grade inflation explains why Omega graduates are less successful than Alpha graduates
in getting jobs is unjustified. The dean overlooks a myriad of other possible reasons for
Omega's comparatively poor job-placement record. Perhaps Omega's career services are
inadequate; or perhaps Omega's curriculum does not prepare students for the job market as
effectively as Alpha's. In short, without accounting for other factors that might contribute to
Omega graduates' comparative lack of success in getting jobs, the dean cannot justify the
claim that if Omega curbs its grade inflation employers will be more likely to hire Omega
Finally, even if the dean can substantiate all of the foregoing assumptions, the dean's
assertion that Omega must terminate its evaluation procedure to enable its graduates to find
better jobs is still unwarranted, in two respects. First, the dean ignores other possible ways by
which Omega can increase its job-placement record--for example, by improving its public
relations or career-counseling services. Second, the dean unfairly equates "more" jobs with
"better" jobs. In other words, even if more Omega graduates are able to find jobs as a result of
the dean's recommended course of action, the kinds of jobs Omega graduates find would not
necessarily be better ones. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(93) 》一文,出国留学网(编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。