In harsh
climates people bundle up, while in hot, humid climates they go with few clothes. In developed
nations people dress for indoor work and their skin appears pink and supple, while in agrarian
cultures people dress for outdoor work and appear weather-beaten.
I turn next to the way people act. The habits, rituals and lifestyles of a culture often do
provide accurate signals about its values. For instance, a society characterized by
over-consumption is clearly one that values comfort and convenience over a healthy
environment. And, a society whose members behave in a genteel, respectful, and courteous
manner toward one another is one which values human dignity, while a society of people who
act in a hateful manner toward others clearly places a low value on respect for others and on
tolerance of other people's opinions and beliefs. In other respects, however, the way people
behave can belie their attitudes and values. For instance, a society whose members tend to
work long hours might appear to place a high value on work for its own sake, when in reality
these work habits might be born of financial necessity for these people, who would prefer more
leisure time if they could afford it.
Finally, the statement overlooks a crucial distinction between free societies and oppressed
ones. Free societies, such as contemporary America, are characterized by a panoply of rituals,
behaviors, and manners of dress among its members. Such diversity in appearances surely
indicates a society that places a high value on individual freedoms and cultural diversity.
Accordingly, it might seem that a society whose members share similar rituals, ways of
dressing, and public behaviors places a low value on individual freedoms and cultural diversity. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(77) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。