distort | twist out of shape; give a false account of; misrepresent; N. distortion |
distract | take (one's attention) off something; upset emotionally; make anxious; ADJ. distracted |
distrait | absentminded; distracted |
distraught | upset; distracted by anxiety; very anxious and troubled almost to the point of madness; Ex. distraught with grief/worry |
diurnal | daily; occurring during the daytime |
diva | operatic singer; prima donna |
diverge | vary; go in different directions from the same point; ADJ. divergent: differing; deviating |
diverse | differing in some characteristics (from each other); various; N. diversity: | variety; dissimilitude; lack of resemblance |
diversion | act of turning aside; pastime; V. divert: turn aside from a course; distract; amuse |
divest | strip (as of clothes); deprive (as of rights); dispossess; N. divestiture(divestment) |
divine | perceive intuitively (by or as if by magic); foresee the future; foretell; dowse; ADJ. N. divination |
divulge | reveal |
docile | obedient; easily managed; submissive |
docket | program as for trial; book where such entries are made; list of things to be done; agenda; label fixed to a package listing contents or directions; V: describe in a docket |
doctrinaire | unable to compromise about points of doctrine; dogmatic; unyielding; marked by inflexible attachment to a doctrine without regard to its practical difficulties |
doctrine | teachings in general; particular principle (religious, legal, etc.) taught; dogma; tenet; ADJ. doctrinal |
document | provide written evidence (for a claim); record with documents; N. |
doddering | shaky; infirm from old age; V. dodder |
doff | take off; OP. don |
dogged | determined; stubborn; stubbornly persevering; tenacious; Ex. Inspector Javert's dogged pursuit of Jean Valjean |
doggerel | poor verse |
dogmatic | opinionated; holding stubbornly to one's opinion; arbitrary; doctrinal |
doldrums | blues; listlessness(lack of spirit or energy); slack(inactive) period; period of stagnation; ocean area near the equator where ships cannot move because there is no wind; Ex. in the doldrums |
dolorous | sorrowful; N. dolor |
dolt | slow-thinking stupid person; CF. dull |
domicile | home; V. ADJ. domiciled: having one's domicile; Ex. He is domiciled in Britain. |
dominant | exercising the most influence; high and easily seen; stronger than the other part of a system; not recessive |
dominate | control; rule; enjoy a commanding position in; overlook from a height; 郴妨促焊促 |
domineer | rule over tyrannically |
don | put on; OP. doff |
doom | condemnation to a severe penalty; ruin; fate (esp. a tragic or ruinous one); V. |
dormant | sleeping; temporarily inactive; lethargic; latent |
dormer | window projecting upright from roof; CF. sleeping room |
dorsal | relating to the back of an animal; Ex. dorsal fin |
dossier | file of documents on a subject or person; file; CF. bundle of papers labeled on the back |
dotage | senility; feeblemindedness of old age; Ex. In one's dotage |
dote | be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline |
dour | sullen; gloomy; stubborn |
douse | plunge into water or liquid; dip; immerse; drench; wet throughly; extinguish; throw water over; dowse |
dowdy | untidy (of a woman or clothes); slovenly; dressed in an unattractive way; shabby; CF. unattractive woman |
downcast | disheartened; dejected; sad; directed downward |
dowry | money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage |
dowse | use a divining rod to search for underground water or minerals |
doze | sleep lightly; nap |
drab | dull; lacking color; cheerless ; Ex. drab coat/life |
draconian | extremely severe; Ex. draconian punishment; CF. Draco: Athenian politician |
draft | first rough form; conscription; draught; V: make a draft of; conscript |
drama | prose or verse composition to be performed by actors; play; exciting and unusual situation |
drastic | strong; violent and severe; Ex. drastic changes/measures |
draught | current of air (through a room or to a fire); act of pulling roads; act of swallowing liquid or amount of liquid swallowed at a time |
draw | choosing of a lot or card |
dregs | sediment in a liquid; lees; worthless residue |
dribble | flow or fall in drops; let saliva flow out slowly from the mouth; move a ball; N. |
drip | fall or let fall in drops; shed drops; N: action or sound of falling in drops; liquid that falls in drops |
drivel | nonsense; foolishness; V: talk nonsense |
droll | queer and amusing |
drone | talk dully; buzz or murmur like a bee; N. |
droop | bend or hang downward; become weakened; Ex. His shoulders drooped with tiredness; N. |
dross | waste matter; worthless impurities |
drudge | do drudgery; N: person who drudges |
drudgery | hard unpleasant work; menial work |
dubious | questionable; (of something) causing doubt; (of someone) filled with doubt; N. dubiety |
ductile | malleable; pliable; (of metals) easily pulled into shape; flexible; (of someone) easily influenced or controlled |
dulcet | sweet sounding; pleasing to the ear; melodious |
dull | (of colors or surfaces) not bright; cloudy; overcast; boring; (of edge or sound) not sharp; not rapid; sluggish; slow in thinking and understanding; stupid; V. |
dumbfound(dumfound) | astonish (making dumb); ADJ. dumbfounded, dumfounded, dumbstruck |
dummy | imitation of a real object used as a substitute; effigy |
dupe | someone easily fooled or deceived; V: deceive |
duplicity | double-dealing; hypocrisy; being dishonest and deceitful; ADJ. duplicitous |
duration | length of time something lasts |
duress | forcible restraint, especially unlawfully; coercion by threat; illegal coercion; Ex. a promise made under duress |
dutiful(duteous) | (of people or their behavior) respectful; obedient (filled with a sense of duty) |
dwindle | shrink; reduce gradually |
dynamic | energetic; vigorously active |
dynamo | generator for producing electricity; energetic person |
dys- | abnormal; impaired |
dysentery | inflammatory disorder of the lower intestinal tract |
dyslexia | word blindness; learning disorder marked by impairment of the ability to read |
dyspeptic | suffering from indigestion; N. dyspepsia: indigestion; difficulty in digesting food |
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