authenticate | prove genuine |
authoritarian | subordinating the individual to the state; completely dominating another's will; Ex. authoritarian regime/father |
authoritative | having the weight of authority; regarded as providing knowledge that can be trusted; reliable; peremptory and dictatorial; Ex. authoritative dictionary/manner; CF. definitive |
autocratic | having absolute unchecked power; dictatorial; N. autocrat, autocracy |
automaton | mechanism that imitates actions of humans; machine that works by itself |
autonomous | self-governing; N. autonomy |
autopsy | examination of a dead body; postmortem; V. |
auxiliary | offering or providing help; additional or subsidiary; N: helper; assistant |
avalanche | great mass of falling snow and ice |
avantgarde | group of artists whose work is based on the newest ideas and methods; CF. vanguard |
avarice | greediness for wealth |
avenge | take vengence for something or on behalf of someone; Ex. They avenged his death by burning the village; Ex. He swore to avenge his brother; Ex. They avenged themselves on their enemy. |
aver | state confidently; declare as true |
averse | reluctant; disinclined; not liking or opposed; Ex. averse to cats/doing the house work |
aversion | firm dislike |
avert | prevent; avoid; turn away (eyes or thought); Ex. An accident was averted by his quick thinking; Ex. She averted her eyes from the terrible sight. |
aviary | enclosure for birds; large cage |
avid | greedy; extremely eager for; Ex. avid learner; N. avidity |
avocation | secondary or minor occupation |
avow | declare openly; N. avowal |
avuncular | of or like an uncle |
awe | solemn wonder; feeling of respect mixed with wonder and fear; V: fill with awe; ADJ. awesome |
awful | terrible; very bad |
awl | pointed tool used for piercing |
awry | distorted; crooked; bent; Ex. Our plans have gone awry. |
axiom | self-evident truth requiring no proof |
azure | sky blue |
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