exotic | not native; from another part of the world; strange; intriguingly unusual; Ex. exotic flower/dress |
expansive | (of a person) outgoing and sociable; broad and extensive; able to increase in size |
expatiate | talk at length; speak or write in detail |
expatriate | exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land; V: exile; banish; leave one's country |
expedient | suitable (for a particular purpose although not necessarily morally correct); practical; politic(prudent); N: something expedient |
expedite | hasten; make go faster |
expeditious | done with speed; quick; N. expedition |
expenditure | payment or expense; expending; something expended; output; Ex. receipt for the expenditure; Ex. expenditure of all the energy |
expertise | specialized knowledge (in a particular field); expert skill |
expiate | make amends for (a sin) |
expletive | meaningless word; interjection; profane oath; swear-word |
explicate | explain in detail; interpret; clarify; CF. explicable |
explicit | totally clear; definite; outspoken |
exploit | make use of, sometimes unjustly; N. exploitation |
expos\'e | public revelation of something discreditable |
expository | explanatory; serving to explain; N. exposition: explaining; exhibition |
expostulation | protest; remonstrance; reasoning with someone to correct or dissuade; V. expostulate |
exposure | risk, particularly of being exposed to disease or to the elements; unmasking; act of laying something open; Ex. exposure of governmental corruption |
expound | explain |
expropriate | take possession of (often for public use and without payment) |
expunge | cancel; remove a word or name (from a book or list); erase |
expurgate | clean; remove offensive parts of a book |
exquisite | delicate; very finely made; extremely beautiful; Ex. exquisite piece of jewelry |
extant | (of something written or painted) still in existence |
extemporaneous | not planned; impromptu; extempore |
extenuate | weaken; mitigate; lessen the seriousness of (bad behavior) |
extirpate | root up; uproot; destroy completely |
extol | praise very highly; glorify |
extort | wring from; get money by threats, etc.; obtain by force or threats; CF. extortionate: exorbitant |
extradition | surrender of prisoner by one state to another; Ex. extradition treaty; V. extradite |
extraneous | not essential; irrelevant; superfluous; external; coming from the outside; Ex. extraneous details/noise/to the subject |
extrapolation | projection; conjecture; V. extrapolate: infer (unknown information) from known information |
extricate | free from an entanglement or difficulty; disentangle |
extrinsic | external; not essential or inherent; extraneous; OP. intrinsic |
extrovert | person interested mostly in external objects and actions |
extrude | force or push out; thrust out; shape (plastic or metal) by forcing through a die |
exuberance | overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm; flamboyance; lavishness; ADJ. exuberant: high-spirited and lively; growing abundantly and strongly |
exude | flow out slowly; discharge (gradually); give forth; N. exudation |
exult | rejoice |
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