改革后的新gre考试词汇量的考察下降20%,希望考生不要被下降20%所迷惑,虽然对新gre考试词汇春意义的考察减少了,但是更加注重实际语言能力的考察了,所以同学们绝对不能放松对词汇的学习,以下是小编为大家搜素的有关coalesce的考法及近义词和反义词的整理。 coalesce: 联合; (v.) to grow together 1) fuse or cause to grow together coalesce <> separate, sepration, break apart, disaggregate, polarize, polarity, sunder, fragment, bifurcate 1. The bride and groom coalesced their funds to increase their collateral. 2. At the end of the conference the five groups coalesced in one room. baneful: 有害的; Causing harm, ruin, or death; harmful 1) causing harm or ruin, sinister, ominous, pernicious, baleful 2) deadly or causing distress, death 3) deadly or sinister baneful <> salubrious, salutary BANE <> BENEFIT Not wearing a seat belt could be baneful. noxious: 有害的, 有毒的;harmful to living things; injurious to health 新gre对单词的考察并没有降低反而还有所提高,因此备考新gre考试词汇仍是迫在眉睫的问题,俗话说:“万丈高楼平地起”只有精确熟练的掌握了词汇,才可能在征服新gre考试的道路上立于不败之地。
改革后的新gre考试词汇量的考察下降20%,希望考生不要被下降20%所迷惑,虽然对新gre考试词汇春意义的考察减少了,但是更加注重实际语言能力的考察了,所以同学们绝对不能放松对词汇的学习,以下是小编为大家搜素的有关coalesce的考法及近义词和反义词的整理。 coalesce: 联合; (v.) to grow together 1) fuse or cause to grow together coalesce <> separate, sepration, break apart, disaggregate, polarize, polarity, sunder, fragment, bifurcate 1. The bride and groom coalesced their funds to increase their collateral. 2. At the end of the conference the five groups coalesced in one room. baneful: 有害的; Causing harm, ruin, or death; harmful 1) causing harm or ruin, sinister, ominous, pernicious, baleful 2) deadly or causing distress, death 3) deadly or sinister baneful <> salubrious, salutary BANE <> BENEFIT Not wearing a seat belt could be baneful. noxious: 有害的, 有毒的;harmful to living things; injurious to health 新gre对单词的考察并没有降低反而还有所提高,因此备考新gre考试词汇仍是迫在眉睫的问题,俗话说:“万丈高楼平地起”只有精确熟练的掌握了词汇,才可能在征服新gre考试的道路上立于不败之地。