equilibrium | balance of opposing forces; balance of the mind; equanimity |
equine | resembling a horse; Ex. equine face |
equinox | period of equal days and nights; the beginning of spring and autumn; Ex. vernal/autumnal equinox; ADJ. equinoctial |
equipoise | balance; balancing force; equilibrium |
equitable | fair; impartial; OP. inequitable |
equity | fairness; justice; OP. inequity |
equivocal | (of words or statements) ambiguous; intentionally misleading; (of behavior) questionable; OP. unequivocal |
equivocate | use equivocal language to deceive people; lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth; N. equivocation |
erode | eat away; wear away gradually by abrasion; Ex. The sea erodes the rocks. |
erotic | pertaining to passionate love or sexual love |
errant | wandering (esp. in search of adventure); straying from proper moral standards; Ex. knight-errant |
erratic | odd; irregular in movement or behavior; unpredictable |
erroneous | mistaken; wrong; incorrect |
erudite | (of a person or book) learned; full of learning; scholarly; N. erudition |
escapade | prank; flighty conduct; reckless adventure that disobeys rules |
eschew | avoid habitually; Ex. eschew alcoholic drinks |
esoteric | hard to understand; known only to the chosen few, esp. initiates; N. esoterica |
espionage | spying |
espouse | adopt; support (an idea or aim); marry; N. espousal |
esteem | respect; value; judge; N. |
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