2012-04-29 09:39:56 提速
It can be inferred from the passage that
We can get a conclusion from the passage that
What can be concluded from the passage?
很多时候考生碰到这种题目时,都会手足无措,仔细看文章时,好像找不到什么信息,不看文章,自己推理吧,又有“想当然”的嫌疑!其实不然,“想当然” 的错误, 是在文章中有详细的信息阐述了这个问题, 可以直接得出正确答案的情况下, 考生根据自己的观点, 强加于文章, 进而得出错误的结论。我们平时经常说要避免这种错误,但是我们不能因为添加了自己的推理就是 “想当然”,不能一竿子打翻一船人,不可以说一添加自己的推理就是 “想当然”,在理解了原文的基础上进行的合理推测就不是 “想当然”,这种题目就是需要我们主动去推理,就是要大胆的加入自己的推理,该出手时就出手!
Extended debate concerning the exact point of origin of individual folktales told by Afro-American slaves has unfortunately taken precedence over analysis of the tales meaning and function. Cultural continuities with Africa were not dependent on importation and perpetuation of specific folktales in their pristine form. It is in the place that tales occupied in the lives of the slaves and in the meaning slaves derived from them that the clearest resemblances to African tradition can be found. Afro-American slaves did not borrow tales indiscriminately from the Whites among whom they lived. Black people were most influenced by those Euro-American tales whose functional meaning and aesthetic appeal had the greatest similarity to the tales with deep roots in their ancestral homeland. Regardless of where slave tales came from, the essential point is that, with respect to language, delivery, details of characterization, and plot, slaves quickly made them their own.