2012-04-30 07:22:26 达那
新GRE写作高频词汇-释义、写作语境之abdicate abide abolish
【GRE GMAT写作语境】 It would not be compatible with the duty of the Secretaries of State to “promote the education of the people of England and Wales”, or with their accountability to Parliament, to abdicate from leadership on educational issues which have become a matter of lively public concern.
v. 【中文释义】 遵守,遵循(法律、协议、协定等)
【英文释义】 to accept and obey a decision, rule, agreement etc, even though you may not agree with it
【GRE GMAT写作语境】 If you accept that unanimity is a near impossibility, and that a majority decision is the next best thing, you also have to accept, as a general rule, that you will abide by a majority decision when it turns out that you are among the minority.
v. 【中文释义】 废除,废止(法律、制度、习俗)
【英文释义】 to officially end a law, a system or an institution
【GRE GMAT写作语境】 Obama expressed the hope that someday humanity would abolish nuclear weapons and create a “nuclear free world.”