constitution | constituting; system of laws; composition of something; physical makeup or structure of a person; Ex. men with strong constitutions |
constraint | restraint; compulsion; repression of feelings; reticence; V. constrain: hold back; restrain; compel; oblige; confine forcibly; imprison |
construe | explain; interpret; Ex. construe her silence as meaning that she agreed; CF. misconstrue |
consummate | complete; V. |
contagion | infection (by contact); ADJ. contagious; CF. infectious: that can be passed by infection in the air |
contaminate | pollute |
contempt | scorn; disdain; ADJ. contemptuous; CF. contemptible |
contend | struggle; compete; assert earnestly; state strongly |
contention | assertion; claim; thesis; struggling; competition |
contentious | quarrelsome; controversial; likely to cause arguments |
contest | dispute; argue about the rightness of; compete for; try to win; Ex. contest the election results; Ex. contest a seat in Parliament; N. |
context | writings preceding and following the passage quoted; circumstance in which an event occurs |
contiguous | adjacent to; touching upon |
continence | self-restraint; sexual chastity; sexual abstinence; voluntary control over bladder and bowel functions; ADJ. continent |
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