fallible | liable to err |
fallow | (of land) plowed but not sowed (to improve the quality); uncultivated |
falsify | make (something written) false by changing |
falter | hesitate; weaken in purpose or action; walk or move unsteadily through weakness; N. |
fanaticism | excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause; N. fanatic; ADJ. fanatic |
fancied | imagined; unreal |
fancier | breeder or dealer of animals; one who has a special interest, as for raising specific plant or animal |
fanciful | whimsical; visionary; imaginary; produced by imagination; Ex. fanciful scheme |
fancy | imagination (of a whimsical or fantastic nature); capricious liking; V: imagine; be fond of; ADJ. decorative; elaborate |
fanfare | call by bugles or trumpets; showy display; spectacular public display |
farce | broad comedy; mockery; humorous play full of silly things happening; ADJ. farcical |
far-fetched | too improbable to be believed; implausible; Ex. far-fetched story |
fashion | give shape to; make; Ex. fashion the pot out of clay |
fastidious | difficult to please; squeamish; fussy; finicky |
fatalism | belief that events are determined by forces or fates beyond one's control; ADJ. fatalistic; CF. fatal: causing death |
fathom | comprehend; investigate; determine the depth of; N. unit of measurement for the depth of water |
fathomless | too deep to be measured or understood; unfathomable |
fatuous | smugly and unconsciously foolish; inane; silly; N. fatuity, fatuousness |
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