aristocracy | hereditary nobility; privileged class; government by nobility; N. aristocrat |
armada | fleet of warships |
aromatic | fragrant; having a sweet smell; N. aroma: strong pleasant smell |
arraign | charge in court; indict |
array | marshal; draw up in order; arrange in order; clothe splendidly; adorn; N: fine clothes; ordered group; Ex. in battle array |
arrears | being in debt; money that should have been paid; work that should have been done |
arrhythmic | lacking rhythm or regularity; N. arrhythmia |
arrogance | pride; haughtiness; ADJ. arrogant: unpleasantly self-important (with a strong confidence in one's own importance and a lack of respect for other people) |
arroyo | gully; narrow channel formed by rainwater |
arsenal | storage place for military equipment |
artery | blood-vessel; CF. vein |
artful | exhibiting art or skill; deceitful; cunning; CF. artifice |
articulate | effective; distinct; expressing ideas clearly; having clear sounds; having joints; Ex. articulate speech; V: express thoughts and feeling clearly; pronounce clearly; unite by joints |
artifacts | object made by human beings, either hand-made or mass-produced |
artifice | deception; trickery |
artisan | a manually skilled worker |
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