
2013-03-09 16:10:46 gre作文素材

  57.XXXX公安局XXX派出所英文怎么说?local police station/police substation

  58.Re: 请问“签定合同”如何译?enter into/make/conclude/sign a contract (with)

  59.Re: "请多多关照"怎么说?

  I command myself to your notice. Many thanks for your help.

  60.Re: 掌握××情况的掌握怎么翻译比较好?

  grasp;master;know well;have a good command of;have in hand;hold;control

  61. Re: 决策理论——decision-making theory? decision theory

  62.Re: 并列第二名 怎么说?

  我和你并列第二。I tied with you for the second place.

  63.Re: 求助:“炼狱”的英文怎么讲?

  (1)【天主教】purgatory (2)abyss of misery

  64.Re: 请教:(官员或领导)的行政级别 怎么说? (administrative)rank

  65.Re: 请教“满足约束条件”的翻译? meet restraint conditons/requirements

  66.Re: 问2个中国单位的翻译方法,请帮助!

  人事局personnel bureau 劳动社会保障局Bureau of Labour and Social Security

  党校Party school 小区housing estate

  67.Re: 量化怎么说? 可以用quantify;quantize

  常用搭配: 量化分析quantitative analysis 量化管理quantitative management

  68.Re: 请教翻译,谢谢

  造币厂mint 货币money;currency 爵士knight

  69.Re: 半杯水,英语怎么说的

  一般我们都说 half a cup/glass of 例如:半杯咖啡half a cup of coffee

  70.Re: 人口流动 population shift



  仅供参考:... is/are my lifelong companion(s). ... is my whole life and my soul.

  72.Re: 请问“悖论”用英语怎么说?谢谢antinomy; antilogy; paradox


