
2013-03-09 16:16:58 gre作文素材

  106.Re: 社会动荡 请问怎么讲?social turbulence/turmoil/agitation/unrest

  107.Re: 问一些翻译。关于道德法律,圣诞老人。谢谢指教!

  道德败坏be morally degenerate; be immoral

  不道德的思想 也可以用unethical表达

  严厉的惩罚 severe punishment可以,用动词表达会好一些,severely punish punishment作“惩罚;惩处” 不可数,作“刑罚;处罚”可数

  限制节目内容place/impose restrictions on;restrict;limit;confine;+programme(item)

  提高价格的幅度raise margins of price fluctuation

  归根结底 in the final/last/ultimate analysis; in essence;at bottom;boil down

  轻视法律的作用 underestimate the roles of law

  圣诞老人 Father Christmas; Santa Claus 这两个比较通用,前一个用得比较多。

  108.Re: There is no perpetual law是Jeffison说的吗

  我原来学英美概况时候背过,Thomas Jefferson说的好像是:

  No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law.

  109.Re: “代表性”怎么说?

  都可以,representative是形容词,representativeness; representation是名词


  110.Re: 知识爆炸的时代怎么说呀?Knowledge explosion times

  111.Re: 花边新闻,绯闻如何翻译?花边新闻box news;titbit;news of illicit love

  绯闻rumor of a love affair;sexual scandal;amorous affair

  112.Re: 富贵病如何翻译呢?costly chronic disease;

  rich man’s disease (one that calls for a long period of rest and and expensive treatment )

  113. Re: 请教“分工日益细化”怎么说?increasingly compartmentalised

  114.Re: 【问】生化武器怎么说啊?biochemical weapons

  115.Re: 请问“无可厚非”该怎么说呀?give no cause for criticism

  无可厚非的行为 irreproachable conduct


