Barron GRE word list - A | |
abase | lower; degrade; humiliate; make humble; make (oneself) lose self-respect |
abash | embarrass |
abate | subside or moderate |
abbreviate | shorten |
abdicate | renounce; give up (position, right, or responsibility) |
aberrant | abnormal or deviant |
aberration | deviation from the normal; mental disorder |
abet | assist usually in doing something wrong; encourage |
abeyance | suspended action |
abhor | detest; hate |
abide | dwell; abide by: comply with; put up with; tolerate; Ex. abide by the rules; Ex. I can't abide rude people. |
abject | (of a condition) wretched; as low as possible; lacking pride; very humble; showing lack of self-respect; Ex. abject apology |
abjure | renounce upon oath |
ablution | washing |
abnegation | renunciation; self-sacrifice; self-abnegation |
abode | dwelling place; home |
abolish | cancel; put an end to |
abominable | detestable; extremely unpleasant |
abominate | loathe; hate |
aboriginal | being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native; indigenous; N. aborigine |
abortive | unsuccessful; fruitless |
abrasive | rubbing away; tending to grind down |
abridge | condense or shorten |
abrogate | abolish |
abscission | cutting off; separation |
abscond | depart secretly and hide |
absolute | complete; totally unlimited; having complete power; certain; not relative; Ex. absolute honesty/ruler; CF. absolutism |
absolve | pardon (an offense) |
abstain | refrain; withhold from participation; intentionally not use one's vote; |
abstemious | sparing in eating and drinking; temperate |
abstinence | restraint from pleasant things, esp. eating or drinking; CF. abstention: act of abstaining from vote |
abstract | theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational |
abstruse | obscure; profound; difficult to understand |
abusive | coarsely insulting; physically harmful |
abut | border upon; adjoin |
abysmal | bottomless |
abyss | enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit |
academic | related to a school; not practical or directly useful |
accede | agree |
accelerate | move faster |
accessible | easy to approach; obtainable |
accessory | additional object; useful but not essential thing |
acclaim | applaud; praise; greet with great approval; announce with great approval; Ex. The new drung has been acclaimed as the most important discoveries for years; N: strong expression of approval and praise |
acclimate | adjust to climate or environment; adapt |
acclivity | sharp upslope of a hill; OP. declivity |
accolade | award of merit; strong praise and approval |
accommodate | oblige or help someone; adjust or bring into harmony; adapt; make enough space for; ADJ. accommodative; CF. accomodating: helpful and obliging |
accomplice | partner in crime |
accord | agreement |
accost | approach and speak first to a person |
accoutre | equip; N. accoutrement |
accretion | growth or increase in size by gradual addition; growth; increase; increase by natural growth; Ex. towers and other accretions of the castle; V. accrete |
accrue | come to one as a gain; accumulate over time; come about by addition; Ex. benefits that accrue from scientific research; Ex. interest accruing in a bank account; N. accrual |
acerbity | bitterness of speech and temper; ADJ. acerbic: bitter; acrid (in taste, manner, or tone) |
acetic | vinegary |
acidulous | slightly sour (in taste or manner); sharp; caustic |
acknowledge | recognize; admit |
acme | peak; pinnacle; highest point |
acne | skin disease (on the face) |
acoustics | science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in |
acquiesce | assent; agree passively; comply without protest |
acquittal | deliverance from a charge; V. acquit: free from a charge or accusation; discharge from a duty; conduct (oneself) in a specified manner |
acrid | bitter (to the taste or smell); sharp; bitterly pungent |
acrimonious | stinging; caustic; bitter in words or manner; N. acrimony: bitter ill-natured animosity in speech or behavior |
acrophobia | fear of heights |
actuarial | calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics |
actuary | someone who advises insurance companies |
actuate | motivate; activate; cause to act |
acuity | sharpness (of mind or senses of sight or hearing) |
acumen | mental keenness; sharpness of judgment; ability to judge quickly and well; Ex. business acumen |
acute | (of the senses) sharp; quickly perceptive; keen; penetrating; brief and severe; Ex. acute sense of smell/analysis/pain |
adage | wise saying; proverb |
adamant | hard; inflexible |
adapt | make or become suitable for a specific use; alter; modify; adjust; N. adaptation: act of adapting; composition recast into a new form; Ex. The play is an adaption of a short novel. |
addendum | addition; appendix to book; something that is added (as at the end of a speech or book) |
addiction | compulsive habitual need |
addle | make or become confused; muddle; drive crazy; become rotten (egg) |
address | direct a speech to; speak to; deal with or discuss; direct one's efforts or attention to; make with a destination; N: formal speech |
adept | expert at; very skilled |
adhere | stick fast; be a devotd follower; N. adhesion: adhering; devotion; loyality |
adherent | supporter; follower |
adjacent | adjoining; neighboring; close by |
adjoin | be next to |
adjourn | suspend until a later time; move from one place to another |
adjunct | something attached to but holding an inferior position |
adjuration | solemn urging; V. adjure: entreat earnestly; enjoin solemnly |
adjutant | staff officer assisting the commander; assistant |
admonish | warn or speak to with gentle disapproval; reprove |
adore | love deeply and respect highly |
adorn | decorate |
adroit | skillful (in using mind or hand) |
2013-03-09 17:04:22 gre阅读考试词汇