banister [5bAnIstE] n. 栏杆的支柱,楼梯的扶栏(a handrail with its supporting posts)
banquet [5bANkwIt] n. 盛宴(a sumptuous feast)
【注】chef·banquet(厨师:宴会) 是干扰选项。厨师的直接工作对象当然是食物,宴
会与厨师有关但并非厨师是主角。marble :a sculpture made from this rock雕刻品
banter [ 5bAntE ] v. 善意的玩笑(to speak to or address in a witty and teasing manner)
(类)playful·banter=exaggerated·hyperbole 玩笑的·玩笑=夸张的·夸张(形名同义)
(例)The students enjoyed their teacher's bantering them about their mistakes.
barb [bB:b] n. 尖锐而严厉的批评(a biting or pointedly critical remark or comment)
(类)barb·caustic=pan·harsh 尖锐批评·尖刻的=严厉批评·严厉的
(记)barb 倒钩 联想:带钩带刺的,批评。
barbarous [5bB:bErEs] adj.野蛮的, 残暴的, 粗野的(mercilessly harsh or cruel)
(反)quiescent 安静的 civilized 文明的
(记)barbar(愚昧)+ous 联想:愚昧的→野蛮的
barefaced [beE5feIst] adj. 公然的,无耻的(open, unconcealed)
(反)barefaced/ aboveboard ◆ surreptitious 公然的/ 光明正大的◆暗中的
bargain [5bB:^In] v. 讨价还价(to negotiate over the terms of a purchase)
(类)debate·issue=bargain·price 争论·议题=讨价还价·价钱
(同)huckster(叫卖), palter(斤斤计较)
baroque [bE5rEJk] adj. 高度装饰的,过份雕琢的(highly ornate)
(反)baroque ◆ austere 过分修饰的 ◆ 简朴的
barrage [bE5rB:V] v. 枪弹齐发n. 连续质问
(类)barrage·explosives=deluge·rain 枪弹齐发·爆炸物=豪雨·雨
(例)the announcement was met with a barrage of protests这项声明遭遇了暴风骤雨般的抗议。
(记)bar(棒子)+ rage(疯狂)→棒子很疯狂→枪弹齐发
barrage 2 n. 拦河坝,堰(artificial obstacle built across a river)
barren [5bArEn] adj. 不育的,贫瘠的(lacking vegetation)
(反)barren ◆ prolific 不育的 ◆ 大量繁殖的