In this argument the speaker recommends that, in order to save money, Happy Pancake
House (HPH) should serve margarine instead of butter at all its restaurants. To support the
argument, the speaker points out that HPH's Southwestern restaurants now serve margarine
but not butter, and that only 2% of these restaurants' customers have complained about the
change. The speaker also cites reports from many servers that a number of customers asking
for butter have not complained when given margarine instead. This argument is unconvincing
for several reasons.
First of all, the speaker does not indicate how long these restaurants have been refusing
margarine to customers. If the change is very recent, it is possible that insufficient data have
been collected to draw any reliable conclusions. Lacking this information I cannot assess the
reliability of the evidence for the purpose of showing that HPH customers in the Southwest are
generally happy with the change.
Secondly, the speaker fails to indicate what portion of HPH customers order meals calling
for either butter or margarine. Presumably, the vast majority of meals served at any pancake
restaurant call for one or the other. Yet it is entirely possible that a significant percentage of
HPH customers do not order pancakes, or prefer fruit or another topping instead. The greater
this percentage, the less meaningful any statistic about the level of customer satisfaction
among all of HPH's Southwestern customers as an indicator of preference for butter or
Thirdly, the speaker unfairly assumes that HPH customers unhappy with the change
generally complain about it. Perhaps many such customers express their displeasure simply
by not returning to the restaurant. The greater the percentage of such customers, the weaker
the argument's evidence as a sign of customer satisfaction with the change. Two additional
problems specifically involve the reports from "many" servers that "a number" of customers
asking for butter do not complain when served margarine instead. Since the speaker fails to
indicate the percentage of servers reporting or customers w,-ho have not complained to
servers, this evidence is far too vague to be meaningful. Also, the speaker omits any mention
of reports from servers about customers who have complained. Since the anecdotal evidence
is one-sided, it is inadequate to assess overall customer satisfaction with the change. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(127) 》一文,出国留学网(liuxue86.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。